Saturday, March 3, 2012

3.1.12 The Island Speaks (Yet Again)

Today my lovely companion and I took a stroll, it being a reasonably temperate day for the season, and ended up crossing the Central Ave. bridge to downtown Minneapolis. Halfway across, we spotted the piece of flotsam on the island's southeastern tip which someone had emblazoned with the word DREAM — this you may recall from an earlier post (2.1.12).

As I say, halfway across when what to our wondering eyes should appear but the same piece of flotsam, but utterly transformed!

Here is the first shot I took, to give a sense of the distance from which we viewed the surprising apparition. The broadcast message was clearly legible from this distance, and if you click on the image to enlarge, that should become clear. I proceeded to make use of the camera's ZOOM feature to obtain a closer look, and here you see the results, as I moved in closer and closer.

I must say that the perpetrator of this shoreline spectacle is one after my own heart with the messages with which he/she exhorts pedestrian Minneapolites as they cross the bridge. First DREAM, and now CREATE—two of my favorite pastimes! I for one will be sure to act upon the exhortation, but I wonder who else will. Surely I'm not alone in noticing and contemplating this phenomenon.

Since the last message seemed to have endured for the space of a month, I can't help wondering if the new message will likewise be replaced in a month's time, and if so, what will the next message be? I somehow feel that these messages are being broadcast alone for my benefit and enjoyment. And to that I reply: Carry On, O Generous Spirit of the Island, and Thank You!

As we continued across the bridge for a nice long walk throughout the rest of the afternoon and evening, I made a silent commitment (now not so silent) to strive to relentlessly pursue my dreams, and to make greater efforts than ever to create what I can, when I can—whatever productions my heart, mind and hands might conjure and to the best of my abilities imbue with a semblance of beauty that might outlive me and augment the lives of others in however small a way.

Life flows on, in and around us—sometimes sending out signals to remind us of all we are and have and can achieve.


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